Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fashion Research Project

The following posts are apart of my research project for ranking. The first are research on the 5 subject areas, then Fabric manipulation research and finally Knit techniques research.




Rumbling Falls Cave, Tennessee
When I began my mind map for Enclosure the word claustrophobic came up and made me think of tight spaces, caves, crevices and canyons

Iron Hoop Cave, Alabama
Burberry Prorsum - Spring/11
Ellison's Cave, Georgia. 586ft drop.....
Sonia Rykiel - Fall/10


A Global Warming poster advertising the loss of habitat for polar bears

When I first did my mind map for decay I thought of the earth and how its decaying, Global Warming and
 the ripple effect that it has. 

Leanne Marshall - a designer I found and felt that both the colour and shapes in her designs reflected a lot of the pictures I had for my source
A picture from National Geographic depicting the waves destroying the icebergs
Leanne Marshall


Once I began thinking about tribes I researched by countries or continants with different tribes. Africa, Europe, America, South America and then Asia which brought me to Japan. The Harajuku tribe started in the early 1990's when every Sunday large groups of teens would meet outside of the Harajuku Station in the Shibuya region of Tokyo and dress in many different extravagent styles.
Gothic Lolita - Knee length dresses, lace, petticoats, stockings and platform shoes are the basis for this sub-style. This is one of the more popular sub cultures of Harajuku tribe dating back to the 1970's.
Detail of Harajuku Make-up and hair. Contact lenses, Fake eyelashes and white powder.
A Decora Harajuku - Dress up in child like clothes, bows, ribbons and lots of pink.
Takuya Angel - A brand which takes particular inspiration from the subculture of Wamono, Harajuku


My first thought when thinking of Electric was electricity, I then thought of power and lighting. I developed the idea of lighting and settled on neon lights as my source.
Purple Neon Lighting
Installation piece by James Clar
Installation By Airan Kang


While doing my mind map, my first idea was of childhood memories. I developed this into sweets and treats you get as a child and cartoons and films you watch as a child. The one a prefered was the sweets, although they both have similar connections in colour and shapes
This I feel is the strongest source picture it just gives off that feel of childhood

Balloon Tank by Artist Hans Herbert

I love the colours and textures in this picture

Heatherette dress

Fabric Manipulation - Quilting

Ali Kirby - Fashion Student
Burberry Prorsum - Spring/11